About Us.
His Kids Preschool is a 2 day per week faith-based preschool program designed for children ages 3-5. We offer a structured classroom environment where children can play and learn together. We use hands-on equipment and activities to make each child's learning experience fun and memorable. We strive to create a structured learning environment where every child can be free to explore and learn independently.
Each child will learn...
Academic skills necessary to be prepared for Kindergarten
To share, take turns and repect others
To sit in a circle, stand in a line and listen for directions
To develop both small and large muscle coordination through a variety of activites and games
To respond rhymically to music by singing and listening to different styles of music
Good health and cleanliness habits
To love, trust and depend on God through creatively taught Bible stories
Each child will experience...
Working with playdough, crayons, scissors, markers, paint, glue and other manipulative items
Fingerplays, stories, poetry, dramatization and books
Art activies such as easel painting, paper-paste art, finger painting, etc
Positive social interaction with others
Singing and dancing in Worship Time
Ages 3/4
Kimberly Pryor
Brielle Lawhead
Our 3/4 classroom is a hands-on learning environment with many activities designed to teach the alphabet, numbers, counting and to develop small muscle coordination. We practice ordinary school routines such as; following a set schedule, participating in circle time, standing in a line and cleaning up. We also focus on learning appropriate social skills and language to aid in the development of respectful friendships.
Ages 4/5
Sharran Pryor
Sammi Hamby
In the 4/5 classroom our main focus is learning the skills necessary for an easy and successful transition into kindergarten. Our curriculum, Reading the Alphabet, is designed for emergent readers and very effectively prepares our class with pre-reading activities, number recognition, counting and beginner math. In our 4/5 class students have the opportunity to learn and play independently as well as with the larger group. With many hands-on activities and crafts we strive to make learning fun.